Credit: BC Fashion Week

West Side Story

BC Fashion Week took place from March 31 to April 4 at the Chinese Cultural Centre in Vancouver, which was the event’s largest venue in its history, yet featured a smaller line-up than most of the other fashion weeks across Canada. The event showcased ready-to-wear and diffusion (a combination of ready-to-wear and couture) by Canadian designers including Mellinda Mae Harlington, Evan & Dean, and Nicole Bridger.
The 15th edition of Vancouver Fashion Week was held at cool-hunter gallery Chapel Arts from April 17-20 featuring outfits like Coquette Couture 1827, Huffer USA, Birks Jewelers, and Anna Sui.

At the press luncheon at Sanafir restaurant, publicist and freelance journalist Virginia Leeming commented about the need for government support and involvement in Vancouver’s fashion industry. “Governments have a strong position to encourage overseas buyers and trade centers to take interest in our products. Therefore it falls naturally within the scope of their financial abilities and international connections to support Vancouver's, and British Columbia's fashion community, which in turn provides employment and revenue to the economy,” says Virginia. “Governments on the federal, provincial and municipal [level] can be instrumental in the development and success of the industry and to help create recognition for a strong fashion center in Vancouver".

Minister Raymond Bachand’s announcement is an example of the kind of action that needs to happen in British Columbia and Ontario, but when?

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