Source: MySpace

The Paperbacks

The Paperbacks are the perfect blend of acoustic and alt-rock. Born out of the disbanding of popular prairie punk-rock band The Bonaduces, this Winnipeg band was formed in 2000 and have slowly crafted a very mature and experienced indie rock sound.

Fronted by Doug McLean on vocals and guitar, the Paperbacks are rounded out with Jaret McNabb on bass, Corey Biluk on drums, and Andrew Filyk and Kevin Andrechuk on guitars and backup vocals. Since their acclaimed 2003 debut full-length, An Episode of Sparrows, released on Pshaw! Records, the band recorded a 2007 follow-up, An Illiusion Against Death, produced by the Weakerthans’ John K. Samson, and toured internationally.

Their sound is a mix of sensitive, acoustic ballads and mid-tempo, easy listening alt-rock, much like that of Death Cab for Cutie. “The Architecture You Despise” and “Hesitation Marks” off their newer release are both examples of immaculate and harmonious songwriting. The band shows that years of playing together counts. Their balance between vocals and instrumentals are perfect. The acoustic singles “Institutions” and “Inspired Casting” show the band’s ability to play with as much intensity as they do on harder numbers.

The Paperbacks are refreshing to hear when a lot of “indie alt-rock bands” come off as messy and inexperienced while performing live or even on recordings. Relax, spend a night filled with simply good music, and catch The Paperbacks on their Canadian tour this summer. For a complete list of tour dates, visit The Paperback’s website at

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