
Get off my case!

Audiophiles everywhere will be accessorizing their iPod cases this season with Bennie and Olive. Designed by Jennifer Forrest, and inspired by her Grandpa Bennie and Grandma Olive, the company sells custom-made leather wallets, specialty belt buckles, and tongue-in-cheek iPod cases.

And just when you thought you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, Bennie and Olive release a bunch of novels that don’t have any pages at all to read. The clever iPod cases are created from pulp fiction (not the movie) book covers like Detective, Hotel Fever, and Scavengers in Space.

Equally fun is the Spearmint gum wrapper Nano Case, Tarboro Ultra Smooth iPod case, and the Tricycle Playing Cards iPod case. The cases are made with a printed panel that snaps off for easy access to the screen and scroll wheel.

The Nano and iPod cases range in price between $21 and $69 and can be purchased online at