
Product and Tip of the Month

The inventor of sliced bread certainly gets a lot of credit, especially since one -  they didn’t invent bread, and two - nor did they invent slicing.  However, they did take two existing concepts that work and put them together.  Meet the Rimmel Underground Light Beam After Dark Lip Gloss. It’s a mouthful, but this little gloss is packed not only with a small mirror on the side panel, but also with a light behind the applicator wand.  With the click of a button, you have everything you need to avoid the nasty bathroom mirror shuffle at the bar.  May it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights go out…

Tip of the Month

If you have ever wasted precious pre-party time re-doing your make up because you goofed on the mascara, you definitely do not want to miss this tip.  The next time your mascara wand slips and you end up with mascara everywhere, don’t rub it off!  Give it a minute, let it dry completely, and it will flake off with a gentle wipe.  No need to redo everything. GLOSS girls, this will change your life!