Love it, Like it, Leave it

If you’re like the average Gloss girl, you can reach into your bag at any given moment and pull out a handful of lip glosses.  The question is, which one is truly worthy of gliding onto your lips, giving you great color and moisture at the same time?  My bet’s on Clarins Colour Quench Lip Balm. This allergy tested gloss gives you great shine without feeling even a touch of stickiness. The color is subtle yet sexy and your lips feel as nourished as though you just applied a deeply hydrating lip balm. Each colour offers a different effect -- my personal favorite: 08. Don’t let the orange colour fool you. It gives your lips a kissable look -- and smell --that no one can resist! 

Verdict: Love it: if you were on a deserted island, this would be your go-to gloss.