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Photos by Kathy Chan

How I Met Brody Jenner at the Calgary Stampede

Okay, for all those who don’t know who Brody Jenner is, this will be of no interest to you.  For the record, when I say ‘met’, I really mean I was just in the same restaurant as him.  So in reality, we shared common space.  The closest to meeting was me taking a long detour to the ladies’ room and gawking at him from afar. 

This is what happens when Stampede madness hits Calgary, amongst a whole whack of other things. Having been so impressed with Calgarian hospitality last year during Stampede time, my friends and I decided to pack ourselves in a minivan to experience good Albertan fun again.

During Stampede time, it is recommended that you visit Calgary equipped with a cute plaid top, some denim, comfy boots, a “must have” cowboy hat, and a whole lot of energy and cash.  The cash component is not optional, as the great restaurants and bars really lure you in. Let’s not forget the grand opening of Sephora, speaking of which you should set aside at least an hour for beauty fun. 

Aside from shopping, everyone must definitely visit Cowboys. Yes, I’m talking about the legendary Cowboys nightclub that was famous even before HRH Prince Harry visited and fell in love with a bartender there.  Their motto--“the most fun you can have with your boots on”--holds true, even though by the end of the night you might not have the slightest idea where your boots have gone!

There is something for everyone during Stampede time.  Drop in on the actual Stampede grounds for rides, junk food, and beer gardens.  Visit Calgary during Stampede for unexpected surprises, new faces, and your annual dose of Western Canadian hospitality.  Yehawwww!!!