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photo courtesy of Victoria Shakespeare Society

the course of love never did run smooth

It is true that the course of love never did run smooth. Such is the tagline for this year’s feature play, Romeo and Juliet, at the Victoria festival Shakespeare in the Summer 2007. The Victoria Shakespeare Society brings to life the classic Shakespearean tragedy of two star-crossed lovers who meet, fall in love, and quickly discover the insurmountable odds their relationship is up against. The tale begs the question: what would you do if you met the man of your dreams and fell in love, but soon discovered that he was bound to your family’s one true mortal enemy? A situation where if your love was discovered, your father would disown you, your mother would curse your name, and your cousin would begin a war on your behalf? Talk about the original story of falling for the wrong guy!

Beginning July 11th, 2007, the month-long run of this tale is set outside on the grounds of the Camosun College Lansdowne campus on Vancouver Island. Directed by renowned actress and director Barbara Poggemiller, this production is guaranteed to be told in a fresh and exciting fashion. And have I mentioned the date factor? Although Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, the story is hopelessly romantic. It offers rhyming couplets and moonlit sonnets to woo any lady’s fair heart. And to keep your date entertained, there are about eight sword fights. So ladies, wear your flat shoes, and get your man out for an evening of theatre under the stars.

For more information, contact